How To Reduce Cholesterol Without Medication?

Discussing healthy ways and techniques to boost good cholesterol and improve your lipid profile naturally.

The word Cholesterol often invokes a negative reaction, even though our bodies need it to build healthy cells. However, the negativity stems from the fact that not all types of cholesterol is the same. 

We have long been told that cholesterol, principally, Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL is bad and responsible for chronic heart diseases such as arteries hardened with plaque. On the other hand, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) – or good cholesterol – helps remove that lousy cholesterol from your bloodstream. 

Just to blame LDL for all the heartache — bear in mind that cardiovascular disease is, in fact, a metabolic and hormonal disorder.  The “spark” that results in aggressive atherosclerosis (fat accumulation in arteries causing a blockage that results in a heart attack) is a result of insulin resistance — characterized by high levels of glucose and insulin. This torrent typically happens over decades. 

Studying the root cause of modern chronic diseases with the medical community, argues that out-of-control glucose and insulin levels cause an “inflammatory milieu” that drives arterial disease.

Numerous mechanisms show that elevated glucose causes increased dysfunction in arteries as well as a build-up of visceral fat (fat surrounding your organs), which causes “middle belly.”

This visceral fat releases inflammatory markers — starting a cascade of negative signalling — leading to an out-of-whack lipid profile. 

Note: lipid profile and not LDL. This means:

  • Very Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL)
  • Triglyceride (TAG)
  • Oxidized LDL
  • HDL
  • Total cholesterol: HDL ratio
  • LDL count 

In a scenario where there is inflammation and vascular distress, i.e., damage to the layers of your blood vessels — having a high LDL level can make things worse and likely trigger atherosclerosis.  According to researches “Majority of MI (myocardial infarction) is explained by insulin resistance…LDL is a terrible biomarker.” 

When confronted with a high cholesterol level, it is easy to resort to medication to keep levels under control. However, there are several lifestyle measures, including foods that can actively help lower cholesterol naturally, treat insulin resistance, improve your overall lipid profile, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

Following are the pointers to be noted to Lower Your Cholesterol Without Medication-

Have a heart-healthy diet: Rather than seeking a low cholesterol food list, evaluate your diet carefully and make simple and sustainable swaps to prevent perpetual glucose and insulin spikes that could lead to vascular dysfunction and build-up of visceral fat.

Limit refined carbs as much as possible: Refined carbs are usually found in two main foods – refined grains and refined sugars. Both can be found in a wide variety of sweet and savory items such as cakes, soda, bread made with white flour.

Optimize your omega-6 to omega-3 fats ratio and consider the omega 3 index: 

A high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio may contribute to inflammation and could raise disease risk. Of particular importance are specific levels of omega 3s – EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) in the blood – measured via the omega 3 test.

Blood levels of EPA and DHA are a strong reflection of intake of these fats and help to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Omega-3 Index risk zones for heart disease:

High Risk = <4%
Intermediate risk = 4–8%
Low risk = >8%

Being in the highest risk zone equates to a 90% higher risk of sudden cardiac death.

High sources of omega-6 fats include:

  • Sunflower oil
  • Corn oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Cottonseed oil

Food sources low in omega-6 fats include:

  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Butter
  • Lard
  • Palm oil

Increase your intake of omega 3 fats. High sources – with both EPA and DHA include:

  • Animal sources:
    • salmon
    • mackerel
    • herring
    • sardines
    • cod liver oil and fish oil supplements
    • fortified eggs
  •     Plant sources – algae and seaweed:
    • spirulina
    • chia seeds
    • hemp seeds
    • walnut
    • Brussel sprouts

Vegetable Cooking Oils Suggestions:
GROUNDNUT : Nutrela, Dhara, Fortune
SUNFLOWER: Nutrela,Dhara, Fortune, Sunlite, Godrej Cooklite, Sundrop Superlite , Sweekar
RICE BRAN : Ricella
BLENDS: Saffola Loabsorb, Saffola Gold, Sundrop Heart

Fruits and vegetables: 

Vitamins, minerals, fibre and plant chemicals present in fruits and vegetables can help to slow down or prevent atherosclerosis by reducing the build-up of plaque.

  1. Eat whole fruits more often instead of juices (which will spike insulin levels and could lead to insulin resistance over time).
  2. Fruits such as berries, peppers and tomatoes also contain a high level of disease-fighting phytonutrients (plant compounds).
  3. Enjoy more vegetables – especially those rich in nitrates. This helps to relax the arteries and permit more blood flow to prevent blockages. Like spinach, broccoli, okra, egg plant, bell peppers.

Avoid trans fats: Always remember to read nutrition labels and ingredients before making a purchase! Trans fats are also known as “hydrogenated oils” and can be present in products as sneaky ingredients to make them last longer. They can also be present in processed food items such as supermarket-ready meals, and ultra-processed (highly manipulated) foods such as chips, cookies, soft drinks, sugar-laden breakfast cereals, candy etc.

Embrace antioxidants: They help defend the body from damage caused by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. Research has shown compelling evidence that antioxidants found in amla – the Indian Gooseberry – can generate significant reductions in cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides and improve HDL in those with diabetes. but amla to be eaten directly not in juice form.

 You can even refer for same my other blog post shared the link

Keep your gut microbiota healthy: Did you know that gut microbes have been found to affect risk factors for heart health? Increase soluble fibre consumes water to form a thick paste in our digestive tracts. This supports digestive health and therefore leads to better heart health outcomes. Food rich in soluble fibre include whole grains such as millets, oats and brown rice and legumes, including beans, lentils, chickpeas and peas. Also, don’t forget those prebiotics and probiotics, which can provide our digestive ‘armies’ with much-needed reinforcements. 

Reduce added sugar: 

Added sugars are all the various types of sugars added to foods during processing. A high added sugar intake has been associated with increasing triglycerides (these raise heart disease risk and are a sign of metabolic syndrome). Added sugar may also be the driver for coronary heart disease via insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia.

Revisit your Carb load:  Given that out-of-control glucose and insulin levels result in arterial disease, a low carb diet has shown to have a favorable influence in the short term.

Spice up your food: Herbs and spices, even when used for garnishing, can act as nutritional powerhouses. Research shows that garlicturmeric, and ginger are especially effective at lowering cholesterol when eaten regularly. 

Get moving! A consistent workout schedule can do wonders for improving your lipid profile and heart health! Regular exercise can boost good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers blood pressure.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a two-hour session at the gym – a short dance routine or regular movement will make a difference — not only to your heart health but also your overall sense of wellbeing. You can even make it a more social activity by exercising with a friend (once normality returns) or a family member. Small doses of movement throughout the week will help to keep your lipid profile in check. 

Avoid smoking: Smoking lowers your good cholesterol level and raises your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. This may require you to work with your doctor for a workable action plan to quit smoking

Limit alcohol: If you drink and enjoy engaging in a glass of wine or two, try and cut back on your alcohol consumption. Too much alcohol can lead to serious health problems, including high blood pressure, heart failure and strokes. 

Eat mindfully: Mindful eating is important for building a positive relationship with food — and your body. This approach is usually aimed at two factors: being mindful of what we eat and focusing on the why and how of eating and want to know details i am happy to help always.

Learn to manage stress: Everyone knows cholesterol levels can sky-rocket with increased stress levels. Find creative ways to get a handle on stress. Listen to a podcast, read a good book, slow down and enjoy a steaming cup of coffee or enjoy some mindless TV – anything to forget life’s stresses – at least for a short while – and keep those cholesterol levels in check. 

Laughter is key:

Keep Smiling, Be happy and Be healthy that’s the key!

Laughter is the best medicine, they say – and for good reason! This is because it releases nitric oxide – a chemical that protects the heart by reducing inflammation and preventing cholesterol plaques. So, watch a funny film, throw your head back and laugh!

These tips are just some of the ways you can explore to improve your lipid profile and reduce risks to your health. The debate regarding cholesterol is arguably one of the most persistent of all healthcare and dietary debates, and the amount of back and forth may scare or intimidate you. But I hope that this advice will inspire you to take back control and reframe the narrative, empowering you to being realistic and engage in manageable techniques, all of which will build up to form the habits you need to protect and nurture your heart health.


Lean meat, poultry           & fishPoultry without skin   Processed meat prepared from lean Meat e.g. lean ham, lean frankfurters, lean meat with soy protein Fishes like Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines, Swordfish, Tuna, Bluefish, Haddock, Herring, CodPoultry with skin, fried chicken Organ meat, Lard, Duck, Pork, Turkey, Veal, Lamb. Meat drippings and gravy Fried fish, Fried Shellfish Fishes like Clam, Oyster, Shrimp, Caviar, Squid, Lobster, crabs Regular luncheon meat e.g. Bologna, Salami, sausage, frankfurters
EggsEgg whitesEgg yolks
Fats and oilsUnsaturated oils-safflower, sunflower, corn, soybean, cotton seed, Canola, Olive, peanutCoconut oil, Palm kernel oil, palm oil, cheese, sour cream, whole milk Coconut, milk chocolate
Breads and CerealsWhole-grain bread, English muffins, bagels, buns, corn or flour tortilla Crackers-low-fat, bread sticks, melba toast Cereals-Oat, Wheat, Corn, multigrain Pasta, Rice, dried beans and peasBread in which eggs, fat, and/or butter are a major ingredient; croissants High-fat crackers Commercial baked pastries, muffins, biscuits
Sweets and dessertsSweets-sugar, syrup, honey, jam, candy made without fat, fruit-flavored gelatinIce cream and frozen treats made with ice cream. Commercial baked pies, cakes, doughnuts, high-fat cookies, cream pies
To get a personalized plan or dietary guidelines for your health problems you can contact directly, the Contact details mentioned below, Happy to help always.

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