Tired of looking at the belly pouching out? Not fitting in your favorite clothes because of your protruding belly?? Having a “flat stomach” is in vogue now! The slim and trim look is hard to achieve, but it’s NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!

Firstly, your “eating habits” are most crucial for getting that flat stomach. It all depends on what you eat and how much you eat!! So, here are some superb belly flatten er foods which will give you a flat-toned tummy with their trimming powers:

  • Avocados: They are the kings when it comes to the Monounsaturated fatty acid content (MUFA) This MUFA content makes them the most desirable food o get rid of a bulging stomach!! Once food is consumed, a blood sugar spike is seen, which signals your body to store the fats around your mid –section (stomach/abs). However, the powerful MUFA have the ability to stop this sugar spike and the resulting increase in fat deposition around your tummy. This keeps your tummy flat and toned.
  • Eggs:They are full of proteins, and other vital vitamins and minerals. However, we tend to forget that, the FAT content in this super natural food work s wonders in giving satiety and fullness!! It is this satiety that prevents you from over eating or bingeing in the next meal!
  • Nuts:I call these the “Power rich” foods! Almonds and walnuts, particularly, are very good sources of MUFA.A handful of these are a must in your daily diet regime! Also, these are one of the handiest foods for your mid meals, then why miss them?
  • Oats:They are now rising in every household as the “easiest healthy breakfast option”! They are rich in fiber, which makes you feel full. This will particularly help you keep your stomach at bay! It will prevent it from bloating after the consumption of a heavy meal! It also slows down the digestion of the meal, which will keep you full for the next 3-4 hours, thus, preventing you from bingeing!
  • Berries:These are the soldiers of our body! Filled with their antioxidants, they help to fight against various diseases. Berries improve your gastric motility and help you keep your bloating in control.
  • Yoghurt: Probiotics have now started being an important part in our major meals! It’s the Lactobacillus in these products, which make them very suitable for our stomach! They aid in our digestion process and hence, prevent you from a bulging tummy!
  • Salmon: This rich protein has the power to fill you up, thanks to plenty of healthy fats that also pack metabolism-boosting omega-3’s.
  • Cucumbers: More than 90 percent water, they are great for beating bloat which gives you those flat abs or when you want a crunchy snack for next-to-no calories.

Apart from these powerful foods, one should also keep away from those NAUGHTY-foods that bloat your stomach, especially just before going out for a party!

  • Corn and its products: corn , popcorn and corn atta
  • Pulse based atta like besan
  • Chinese foods
  • Fermented foods like idli, dosa,uttapa etc
  • Urad dal
  • Rajmah and Chole
  • Processed foods like Maggie, chips and high salt foods

Secondly, never forget that diet alone, never works! Exercise is a must! The flab toning exercises include Swimming and Crunches. Crunches, initially, will make your stomach look bulged. But, later, as you keep doing it religiously, clubbed with a balanced diet of good amount of proteins, low calories, low fat and low carbs, it will give you fantabulous results! In short, you need a combination of high and low impact cardio exercise, for at least 4 times in a week, to keep you toned and healthy!

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