Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a type of vinegar made from apples. It is made by fermenting the apple cider with yeast and bacteria, which turns the sugars into alcohol. Then, the alcohol is further fermented into vinegar by acetic acid bacteria. It is of two types: Mother ACV and regular ACV
1) Mother ACV stands for “Mother of Vinegar.” It is also ACV but it has extra strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria known as the Mother, and this gives the vinegar a cloudy appearance. It is made using an unpasteurized and unfiltered process, allowing the mother to develop naturally. However, it is also important to note that some people may find the taste and appearance of mother ACV to be less appealing than regular ACV.
2) Regular ACV is made by crushing apples and then allowing the juice to ferment, creating alcohol. This alcohol is then allowed to oxidize, producing acetic acid, which is what gives ACV its sour taste. During this process, the mother may or may not form. it is filtered and pasteurized.
“Mother ACV has a higher concentration of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) and enzymes compared to regular ACV”
Benefits of consuming mother ACV and how to consume in how much quantity and how much duration.
Consuming mother ACV has been associated with several health benefits. Here are some of the potential benefits:
- Improved digestion: The enzymes in mother ACV help improve digestion and prevent digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and constipation.
- Lowered blood sugar levels: Some studies suggest that consuming vinegar, including mother ACV, may help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which can be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes and PCOD.
- Reduced inflammation: The antioxidants in mother ACV help reduce inflammation and improve overall health.
- Boosted immune system: The beneficial bacteria in mother ACV may help improve immune function and protect against harmful bacteria and viruses.
- Weight loss: Some studies suggest that consuming ACV helps to reduce body weight and improve metabolic health by decreasing insulin levels and increasing feelings of fullness. https://www.drjyotisingh.com/weight-loss-programs-for-women/
- Heart health: ACV has beneficial effects on heart health by improving cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure.
- Might help in managing blood sugar and diabetes
How to consume mother ACV
It is recommended to start with a small amount and gradually increase the dosage over time. It is also important to dilute the vinegar with water to avoid damaging tooth enamel and throat irritation.
A common recommendation is to mix one teaspoon of mother ACV in a glass of water and consume it before or with a meal once a day for few days.
Whom should not consume ACV
While apple cider vinegar (ACV) is generally safe for most people when consumed in moderation, there are some individuals who should avoid or limit their intake. Here are some examples:
- People with digestive issues: ACV can worsen certain digestive conditions such as acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
- People with low potassium levels: ACV can lower potassium levels in the blood, so individuals with low potassium levels should avoid consuming large amounts of ACV.
- People taking certain medications: ACV can interact with certain medications, including insulin, diuretics, and laxatives, and may lead to negative side effects.
- People with sensitive teeth or throat: Consuming undiluted ACV can erode tooth enamel and cause throat irritation, so people with sensitive teeth or throat should dilute the vinegar before consuming it.
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women: There is not enough research on the safety of ACV consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so it is best to avoid it or speak with a healthcare professional before consuming it.
It is important to note that consuming large amounts of ACV can also lead to negative side effects, such as nausea, tooth enamel erosion, throat irritation, diarrhoea, and low blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it in moderation and speak with a qualified nutritionist https://happyhealthclub.com/ before starting to take it regularly.