Viral’s, didn’t you hear about it enough recently! Commonly known as flue, has attacked the city, with its full form. Hardly any household is left that has not got atleast one member suffering from this. It is a kind of lesser virus that enters our body through the air, water, and food, scratches and wounds of the skin. The common symptoms are cold, cough, headache, fever and body ache.
How to prevent this seasonal onslaught? Is it possible to fight it out? Yes, Very much. There are some basic changes in your diet that can fight the virus from catching you and also sooth after it has already attacked you.
First of all, Protein consumption in your diet has to be of sufficient level, not too much or not too little. For vegetarians the right choices are dals and legumes combined with cereals like chapatti, whole wheat bread, rice, corn, ragi, bajra etc. Milk and milk products also provide vital proteins. Then we have nuts and seeds that can be consumed in limited quantities, as they are rich in fats too. For non-vegetarians eggs, fish, chicken and meat are added protein sources.
Now comes the Vitamin ‘C’ rich foods that are found in fresh fruits like papaya, oranges, mosambi, guava, amla, pineapple, strawberry, lemon, etc. and raw vegetables like cabbage, capsicum, cauliflower etc. It is very important that atleast two of any of the foods listed above should be had in order to flue entry into our lives. Primarily these two factors are sufficient enough to combat the flue from attacking us
But there certain foods that are particularly helpful in fighting the disease are listed below:
Garlic and onion-Garlic contains selenium, an immunity-enhancing mineral that helps to boost glutathione. In presence of high glutathione levels, body’s immune system functions well. They also contain Allylic Sulfides that protects against DNA damage and helps the body to detoxify carcinogens.
Fenugreek (methi)-They are the best cleansers for the body, also highly mucus-solvent and soothing agents.
Ginger– Ginger possesses antiviral properties. It destroys influenza viruses. A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey is an excellent food remedy to reduce fever in flue. It is also good for colds and coughs. It should be cut into small pieces and boiled in a cup of water, then strained and ½ tspn of honey added to it and to be had when hot.
Basil leaves (Tulsi)-During the rainy season when common cold, influenza and dengue fever are widely prevalent, a decoction of tender leaves acts as a preventive against these diseases.
Grapefruit (Papnus)– Grapefruit is an excellent diet in all fevers as it helps to reduce acidity in the system and bitter properties arising from a substance called maringin, tones up the system and the digestive tract.
Turmeric- It is an antiviral food and especially valuable against flue. A teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed in a cup of warm milk taken three times a day prevents complications arising from influenza and also activates liver, which becomes sluggish during flue attack.
Cinnamon (Dalchini)– This popular spice is beneficial in preventing and treating viral infections. A drink can be prepared by putting ½ tspn of cinnamon powder in a glass of hot water. Taken before going to crowded places protects us from cold and influenza, when these diseases widely spread.
Foods rich in folic acid, a ‘B’ group vitamin, fights viruses. Fresh green leafy vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, spinach, lettuce etc. and legumes such as chana dal, chickpea (chole), green gram dal (moong), cow pea (chowli), soybean, red gram dal (toor) are rich in folic acid, this vital vitamin also reduces the risk of cancer.
Take the necessary precautionary measures by following the guidelines given gear up in full form to fight the ravaging flue.
Be Happy Be Healthy